
André Sier, 2014

Heliades (pt)

Palácios matemáticos gerados computacionalmente, as Heliades são esculturas arquitectónicas abstractas realizadas numa impressora 3D que também habitam virtualmente a Heliosfera. São objectos arquitectónicos que fixam e emitem o lado gerador infindável que a estrela solar nos dá, percolados através do tempo em espaços.

Esculturas: impressão 3D em pla. Dimensões aproximadas: 16x16x16cm.

Heliades (en)

Mathematical palaces generated computationally, the Heliades are abstract architectonic sculptures made in a 3D printer that also inhabit virtually the Heliosphere/Heliosfera. Architectonic objects that fix and emit the endless generator side the solar star provides, percolated through time into spaces.

Sculptures: 3D print in pla. Aproximate dimensions: 16x16x16cm.

Heliades (images)

@ "Heliosfera", Laboratório Galeria, Lisboa, Maio-Junho 2014
(photos © André Sier e Ricardo Matta)

Heliades (software)

Heliades are built with special custom software through progressions of finely tuned mathematical series, which are in turn spacialized and transformed into volumetric space for sculpture making. The software is built with processing application skeleton added with s373.libraries (s373.cellularautomata, s373.dna, s373.marchingcubes). Probably soon, some day this scultptures will be built with m or km scale other than cm.